Doll Story, about synthetic company. Part 1, how it all began.

This particular story is not just 'bout me. Although I had to do with it more or less right from the very beginning. 

Hi, my name is Caja, for those who didn't know that yet.

My companions started very cautious about having Artificial company. For they were not completely sure yet whether they would like it having artificial creatures around so they didn't want to spend much money right away in purchasing one. To them - a married couple - it would mean only a supplement, an enrichment, to their household.

Anyhow, purely coincidental they started in 2018 looking for a doll. Not even for themselves but for a celibatary friend who had been thinking about artificial company, but hadn't been sure yet. They decided to help and started looking for that friend to see what possibilities there might be. While surfing through all kind of Doll pages they suddenly saw ME and got intrigued themselves. But I was too expensive they thought. And too small in height for that friend. So they looked further and found a bigger one for that friend and cheaper. But they decided to purchase a cheap one themselves as well, just as a test.

And that is how they found Cameron in 2018. 

Cameron, the name of a Terminator used in the TV series 'the Sarah Connor Chronicles'. 
It might have been just a coincidence but the very first female androids/cyborgs my companions ever heard from - and got intrigued by - both their names started with a letter C. Cherrie from the movie Cherrie 2000 and Cameron as a Terminator.
Cameron arrived in Holland but my companions decided to take her with them to France later.
But it was not their intention to take her every time with them when they returned to Holland, so when they were in Holland - they realized - there was no synthetic company over there anymore. 
They had started to like it that much that they decided to buy an even cheaper one for when they were in Holland. Just for fun. And that's why that in autumn that same year 2018 Cherrie arrived in the Netherlands.

Now where is the logic in that? They got intrigued in artificial company by seeing pictures of me. They weren't sure yet so they thought I was too expensive and that's why they bought the cheaper and bigger Cameron. They found out they liked artificials enough to have one in each country they stay every now and then - avoiding having to take us with them every time - so they bought Cherrie ...... well, if they would have bought me right away that wouldn't have been more expensive! I don't understand humans.
Cameron wasn't of great quality of course, hence the low price. So they got skills to repair damaged TPE soon after purchase. And the handwires soon broke too. 
Cherrie was delivered with a mutated face. Again, hence the low price. They could repair  most of it.

In 2019 they realized that they might as well  have bought me - Caja - right away. After all, I had been the one that drew their attention at the first place. 
My face, my butt, it reminded them of my mrs companion just a few years younger. Of course the breasts were exaggerated - my mrs has a nice cupsize (D) but not THAT big (K-cup) - but that could only be seen as a PLUS. The name of the type, Climax Una Plus Kaine.
My companions were in France when they finally took the decision to order me and they did that at a TDF approved dealer in France. 
They decided to name me Caja.  My mrs - who I resembled a little bit - her name is Maja and as I said my companions had found out that synthetics often seemed to have a name beginning with a C
Hence Caja. And it means 'box' in Spanish as well. I arrived in a box, and I have one ( Dutch slang for ..... erm ....) 
After my arrival they introduced me right away at the TDF where they knew there were more like me. And people who seemed to like my 'type'.

But what started so nice turned out to be a nightmare soon after. All of a sudden my face and type got forbidden because - was said - it should be that of a child ... a child with a K-cup huge breasts, yeah right.
Even after my companions changed the looks of the face in pictures by editing it or putting a veil over it it was NOT allowed. So a WOMAN with HUGE BREASTS and a veil so one could only see her eyes was NOT allowed. Why not? Because the MODERATORS knew what was underneath that veil. 
The viewer didn't see it but the moderators knew it. And what was worse, my companions had NOT OBEYED THEM !!! But what has that to do with not encouraging pedophiles?
In the meantime my companions  found out by coincidence there was existing a chubbier - older looking - version of that very same Kaine face called M3 what they purchased right away.
But you can guess it already ....... NOT ALLOWED !! Those were the RULEZ, it was said !
With those rulez they had put lots of owners of the very same type in the cold. There even were people that sold their doll out of despair for less than 1/10 of the original price! Because they thought their companion was NOT accepted anymore!

But that wasn't the only setback. The quality of the TPE body of that approved dealer was deplorable. Only a month afterwards it started to tear, despite the care that had been taken. (oiling etc) 
My companion did all he could to repair it but it failed ...... and believe me he tried. He had been busy with it for months!

And in the meantime they missed what they had purchased me for in the first place, as synthetic company. A headless body what was in constant reparation could not be considered real company. And they just missed seeing me, my body and face, around.  So they decided to give my head(s) a kind of 'replacement body'. Now they had seen one with long saggy breasts that was not that expensive (2020). Just a bit smaller ( and lighter) and definitely a less nicer shaped butt. 

Of course it got delivered with a head of her own, what we called Carrie, before putting it in a box for never getting out of it again. 

For one thing was sure, my head had to be on that body, period!!

My mrs companion enjoyed the company of us synthetics too but to her I was too heavy and she wanted a smaller one to spend time - to play - with ( making pictures and clothes). So my companions bought a smaller sized doll for that purpose, what was called Alita. Because of the movie Alita Battle Angel.

Again it had been a cheap one and the quality wasn't really good, it was the skeleton (legs) that were very weak.

To be continued in Part 2, Corona times ...


  1. Thank you for sharing. There is a real problem with defining a "child-like" doll. Sadly, to many base it on height, which fails when you look at real women. I have heard others have the same issue with TDF and smaller dolls. The problem is that there is not good, standard way to define what a child-like doll is. I think Hawaii has a descent definition: "For purposes of this section, "childlike sex doll" means a doll, mannequin, or robot that is intended for sexual stimulation or gratification and that has the features of, or features that resemble those of, a person below the age of puberty." The body changes in puberty (i.e. Breasts, hips, etc.) Face and height are not considered. Only about 6 states have laws against child-like dolls but all the other states base it on height or are vague with no definition of "child-like" actually means. Don't get me wrong. I am not advocating for child-like sex dolls, but a doll under 4 feet tall does not automatically make it a child. There are many people (for genetic issues) that are shorter than 4 feet tall as adults. Also, a full size doll is very heavy and I can understand someone wanting a 1/2 scale (or less) doll to make it easier to work with.

    As for quality control, I have found doll manufactures to be wanting. I have not have had an issue with the TPE, I have had several skeleton issues. I even had one where the shoulder joint locked up and I could not longer move it.

    I look forward to the next post.

  2. Thank you for your very informative reply. You are right, they all make it themselves too easy enforcing rules to prevent child abuse. As if the people who have to enforce it are all of a too low IQ to actually doing it. Little = child = forbidden. Young face = child = forbidden. I wished the world and life was as simple as that.


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