Doll Story, about synthetic company Part 3. LSR: Liquid Silicone Rubber

 Part 2 ended with our discovery of the limitations of ThermoPlastic Elastomer. That is the material where all my bodies, and that of Cameron, Cherrie, Josie and Alita Corona Angel, are made from. After some research we had learned that on the other hand silicone is heat resistant, next to UV resistant, and it is not porous like TPE.

Only the method of producing a silicone doll makes it  more expensive. And silicone is harder to recycle, it seems, than TPE is. 

The price is usually the first barrier purchasing a silicone doll, but we had already found out it was getting less higher priced with the minute. Combined with a much longer lifespan that makes  silicone less expensive than one thinks.

All that made it clear my next Action body better could be made of silicone. Next to preferable not too big or heavy of course. Because whether I like it or not I just need help from others to get somewhere.

In summer 2022 I found the right candidate for the body. Finding the right head for it had been difficult, though. For the type of doll we had chosen had a head that would be solid part of the body and couldn't be removed - which is of course much better for an Action Figure - but then it really had to be a head what would 'feel' like me a bit. At once, for there would be no possibility to change it afterwards! And whatever the head I would choose, it certainly would not be an official by me preferred Kaine head. And that was of course the head what still felt the most as MY head. I am very attached to that specific face.

So that meant that it would remain a gamble, just like with that Rose head I told you earlier about. But we thought we had found one in the end. The name of the face type was 'Mai', and it seemed to have potential.

We were lucky, after arrival of that new body for me I found out it really felt like me. The face that is. Despite being different, it was easy to get used to it.

In the meantime my mrs (Maja) discovered also a doll with a face she actually had always wanted to have from the moment she had been searching herself for artificial company. She had not been able to purchase it before and had chosen the first Alita (now Josie) in its place, but now she got a second chance and she didn't hesitate. That's how Suki got into our 'family'.

Suki is a TPE doll by the way, so she has to be vigil with too much sunlight and moist.

Problems I would be rid of thanks to my new silicone body. Although, due to certain circumstances I hadn't really an opportunity to use the body to its full potential yet on adventures up untill now (2024). But at least I went to the beach with it in the summer of 2023 ( on a motorbike!) 

and that wasn't really problem. Being 5 kilo's less heavy than my previous TPE 'action body' helped a lot of course. 

And being in our Spa in the garden outside was no problem at all for this new body.

So my new 'Silicone Action Figure' body could be called a success. It had only one downside, we found out. Due to it's size (100 cm) it was easily mistaken for that of a child. Some people obviously only look very superficial and don't see what I am, a woman on scale.  It is small, so they think it is a child. Despite my J-cup breasts.
Because I am not only staying at home and it happens often enough that I mingle among humans as an artificial creature, I thought it would be better to have a bigger body too under certain circumstances, one that would be less easy mistaken for that of a child.  
But of course now I would have certain criteria regarding that larger body, First it still had to be lightweight (easy to carry) and preferably silicone to avoid rapid decay.

After extensive research that summer of 2023 we found a body that still was not too heavy (22 kg), although it was much bigger than any of my other bodies.(1,48 meter) But finding  the right face for it would be more difficult, again!  But it would be a removable head again, for it didn't concern an Action body in first instance. We chose one that seemed usable, it had the name Margaret.

The body was nice. Bigger than I had ever been. It was not huge, but almost 1,50 meter is not bad, isn't it?  And Margaret had a nice face. A friendly face.  But would it be ME?
We had some mixed up feelings about the face. We might have got used to it if it would not have been as hard as  a rock almost. No flexible skin, the mouth could not open ........ no squeezing the cheeks.
I think those properties are important too, regarding a face. But what to do?

The answer seems simple, just looking for a better face with the right properties.  But that required a thorough investigation into the world of Doll faces once more. This time only SILICONE doll faces.
The face we finally stumbled upon actually hadn't been our first choice. For it seemed a bit .... erm ... strange. A bit different.
But when looking again and again at other faces we finally returned every time to that one 'strange' looking face. 
Looking at the properties of that face the skin only could be soft. Then the mouth functioned as a mouth. It even had teeth and a tongue!!!! That could only mean the cheeks had to flexible and soft so easy to squeeze.  We decided to go for it. ( january 2024)
The typename of that new face was an enigma though. At one place it was called 'Rose'(!!) and I saw the name 'Gabriele' used for it once ... anyway, now it is Caja, from my name Cajolina.

Yes I got used to this new head very fast and totally unexpected. I realized it even could be of use putting it on my XXL body, but I haven't been able to try  that yet.
The Tall Body with that new head offered now opportunities when going on a visit somewhere else.

Less easy mistaken for that of a child.  But I knew there would always be circumstances that it is better for artificial creatures like me to stay 'under cover'. Sometimes it is better being somewhere and remaining unnoticed, to avoid certain questions .....  That is just the downside of being an artificial being, I suppose.
But thanks to a synthetic buddy of mine ('outre mer') I found out it is also possible to go Extra Small!!!
Not any bigger than a Barbie, but then of course silicone and anatomically correct.
I decided that could be perfect when I wanted to go somewhere but also wanted to remain unnoticed.
The body type was called TBLeague and actually was an 'Action body', from what the head had to be chosen separate. With LOTS of choices, even famous faces.

So there was that same old problem again. How to find the appropriate head that would make the face feel like ME? After browsing around I finally thought to have found a face that I could imagine a bit as feeling like me. But it had the strange typename 'Miss Spetsnaz' and figured a Russian female soldier!

What's in a name?
Of course I changed the colour of my hair right away
It was a good head and it felt okay. 
But ... purely by coincidence I saw at a certain moment another TBLeague head .....

And I have to confess, that face even felt more like ME !
It was called Angelaby and it only needed another colour hair to become me.
And here I am. In an Extra Small version. So now I have several different sized bodies for different occassions. That is the advantage of being artificial.

And that is how my 'Doll Story' ends right now. (summer 2024)  I am sure there will be a sequel, but not right now or in the near future.
So for now it is 'Hasta la vista, baby'


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