The Longevity of our skin

 Let' s talk about a subject what concerns most of us artificial beings, but strangely enough the only place where it got really mentioned seems to be that   certain discriminating forum for .... erm ... ALL DOLLS  what has a list of  FACES what aren' t allowed to be shown. What are VERBOTEN  and should actually be TERMINATED !!

What am I talking about right now? I am talking about LONGEVITY. And especially that of TPE. ThermoPlastic Elastomer.

TPE, when first used it seemed a wonder material  for it was/is much cheaper to produce than Silicone. So dolls - I mean artificial companions -  could be bought for a way lower price. Good news for those who first  couldn' t afford an exensive synthetic companion.

But soon s afterwards one found out that there were a few things less nice about that magic material. For instance it couldn' t stand warm temperatures, it deformed when getting too hot. It also couldn' t resist  UV radiation, and due to the fact it was porous it could absorb a bit of what it could get in touch with.  Especially in the case of mould that was a bad thing. For it is hard to get rid of that when affected by it.

That counts also for dirt, and clothing that stains. When you don' t take enough care for your loved one  with all sorts of specific babyproof cleansing materials (the TPE is really VERY SENSITIVE) it goes deep into the skin and is very hard to get out again. Next to that the skin can easily dry out. To prevent the  drying out the skin,  one has towash the body with oil regularly ( mineral oil- BABY oil).

And even then, depending on the quality of the TPE mixture it definitely can have a life range. A life expectancy!

The face I show you here now, there has been much to do about. It had become all of a sudden  a FORBIDDEN face at that Forum for ALL Dolls.  After it had been shown everywhere before. Without any notice al of a sudden it had beenVERBOTEN too show, despite the body with a K-cup of breasts!

The vendor where my companions bought that first MOI had been TDF approved, by the way. That was in 2019, after an experiment of my companions  with dolls what had started one year before, to see if they would like us creatures to have around.  They bought ME - my type -  in particular because my face reminded them a bit of my mrs companion, a decade or two younger.

They always treated the TPE carefully with oil etc. But the TPE quality????? That to be  less at the body  almost immediately after a few months and was set aside  ( now only just a skeleton) because the TPE was worthless. So my face got another body of another brand. TPE got less of a bargain by the minute. After lots of adventures - outside, I know the dangers of that - the face was starting to deteriorate too. That happening had nothing to do with not putting enough baby oil on it, it just started to happen. Age and UV.  And not only my face, but  the replace body I had started using after that first one was ' out of order'  was starting to show already the same symptoms. It had been a different brand and it had taken a while longer but nevertheless it happened! Conclusion, the longevity of TPE sucks!

About that face, lucky enough it is not the only Una Plus Kaine Face I have, I have two more. I even found out by incident that there were two different types of that very same Climax Una Plus Kaine face. The first one, the one you see here now, was called the M1 but it appeared there was also a M3. The M3 face is just a bit chubbier in the face ( at the cheeks)  and a bit more mature.(my favorite), but also VERBOTEN because it still was a Kaine face and Kaine was forbidden. They had to keep it simple because the enforcers were too simple perhaps?  And the TDF is just ALWAYS RIGHT, even when they aren't! Sieg .........barf!

Anyway, I would have LOVED to see a silicone version of that KAINE M3 head, but up until now there isn' t one available yet. Hence my facechanges every now and then.

But to get back now at the face I am showing you now and the state it is in.. Can there  be done something about?   Let' s say we are trying. With 3M Primer 94. By first creating a fluid of that primer and some TPE solved in it.  But by keeping it very fluid, that is important !  And by then putting it on the skin with a soft brush  to try to make that rough looking skin  smooth again. 

I have no results yet for we have just started, but when I have I will share them with you.

But do you understand now why my latest THREE  bodies: "  my Piper Caja light, my Joy BB Doll Caja Tall and my TBleague Caja XXS",  are silicone instead of TPE? 

The thing is, I don' t like only being kept inside the house ( OR DUNGEON). I like to experience outside as well, just as humans do. Then Silicone seems to be a better option after all.

PS. Later I bought myself a Una Plus Kaine body at the Climax factory itself. I surprised them by wanting it with the Kaine M3 face for they knew how the TDF thought about that face.  That body (and face) are from much better quality than the one I had got before and what had come from another manufacturer what obviously was allowed to produce Climax products as well, I presume

I can only advise now to buy directly from the factory itself.


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