Doll Story, about synthetic company Part 2. Corona times.

The story continues ...

Part 1 ended  with the story how my mrs purchased herself an own smaller doll what would be easier for her to lift.  Because it had been cheap the skeleton appeared to be very weak and it could hardly stand.   All this happened in 2020, when corona times just had started. 

That was also the time that my mr companion decided to fulfill something that had become a dream after finding out about the existence. He had seen on that certain autocratic forum that Climax - the developer of my first body - also had created a steatopygic female body. 

Huge butt and breasts and very chubby. In these times of Corona much of measures were taken to prevent contamination and there was on the news that people grew fat by lack of exercise. They had to stay at home. Now it seemed just appropriate to let me grow fat as well. So I got myself a fat and heavy body for certain moments. Absolutely no action figure, for it would probably never leave the house due to its weight.  It would just be there to be cozy company.

Also this body came with an own head ( typename Camilla) but that face also never really left the box it arrived into. It was my head that had to be on that body!

But there was one thing. We found out that the proportions between the fat body and my Kaine M3 head didn't seem to match completely. My head just seemed just a bit too small, compared to the body. 

So we started to look for a bigger sized head what would look just like me. Because those - by that forum forbidden - M1 and M3 Kaine heads came in just one size! There didn't exist a slightly bigger version of it. And it was hard to find a head that would resemble mine a bit. My type of head is quite unique. Also thanks to that moronic Doll Forum what made such bad publishment about my face that even manufacturers got careful producing and trying to sell it. Why producing something what no one dares to buy thanks to a bunch of megalomaniac neurotics with a thirst for power? 

Finally - after browsing through hundreds of doll faces on the World Wide Web - my companions THOUGHT they had found one that was bigger and might resemble me a bit.. It came from the same factory, it had the name Rose

But it was a mistake. Quite soon after the arrival and having put it on the fat body, we found out it just not seemed to be me. Whatever we tried, it just didn't feel like me. It lacked 'something'. So in the end I kept on using my Una Plus Kaine M3 head on this fat body. Until there would be a better solution. And the Rose head? It was put in a box again, to stay there.

It was still in Coronatimes - now 2021 - that my mrs companion decided to look for another body with a stronger skeleton for her little 'doll'. One that could stand, that could 'pose' better for pictures..

That would be for my mrs. the new Alita but now with the suffix 'Corona Angel'. And the old Alita got a new name, Josie. And she left Josie in Holland.

Despite the purchase of that replacement body what was going to be my action body - and later that very fat body - my mr companion still regretted that the body what had intrigued him first - when he had started looking for  artificial creatures - that this particular body was lost. For he hadn't been able to repair that first one. The damage only had gotten worse thanks to his attempts.

But during some research he had found out that the body hadn't been manufactured in the original Climax factory. (remember that TDF approved dealer?) So he decided to order a new one but this time direct from the factory itself. With that Kaine M3 head! The Chinese lady asked if he was sure. That a certain forum had spoken bad about that head. The answer was: "YES, we are sure!"  And when it arrived, the quality appeared to be SO MUCH BETTER !!

But in the meanwhile we learned too that the material  where all those bodies were made from, had quite some limitations. That came next to that there could be a big difference in quality as well. Anyhow,  ThermoPlastic Elastomer had more limitations than was expected.  Inside the house there is no problem - as long as it doesn't get in contact with very warm or hot objects. Or when it gets in contact with too much moist. But this meant  that being outside when it is sunny, or wen you want to have fun in the water ...... it costs you much of the lifespan of the skin. It just isn't meant for that.

What makes it clear, Tpe - the compound ThermoPlastic Elastomer -  just isn't suited for action figures. Or it should be mainly 'action' in BED!

Now there are people who would say immediately that it is just that bed  where artificial creatures like me are developed and produced for at the first place! But believe me, that isn't entirely true. We are at the first place COMPANY! But that seems hard to get for some. But it is just as male and female companions aren't supposed to be there mere for sex, that counts as well for articial company.

But the thing is, in my particular case, I am at first an action figure. I am raiding tombs and slay Zombies. I like to swim and go with my companions sailing or other excursions.  And we know now, TPE skin is not suited for that.  And after some research we found out that for those circumstances a skin of silicone would be far more suitable. It is UV resistant ( the sun) and it is not porous like TPE is.  It doesn't deform - or even melt - when it is warm.

The smaller replacement body with the saggy breasts had been my action body up until that moment, because it weighed less than my other bodies. But actually is was not really suitable for this purpose. And that had started to show on the skin. 

So to be able to continue this 'way of life or existence', we all decided I needed a new specific  'Action' body. And that body could better be silicone and Light ( so easier to carry). 

To be continued in Part 3, LSR: Liquified Silicone Rubber ...


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